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Read our News and Articles below

The importance of play
In our professional lives, we often focus on formal discussions and meetings to understand our colleagues and partners. But let's not...

Let's learn to say NO
Learn to say NO, so we don't waste each other's time and energy. Learn to say NO, because it's fair for both of us. Learn to say NO,...

Adult Development
When I got to know about Adult Development, and particularly the Adult development phases by Robert Keagan, a whole new world opened to...

What if
There is not much to add here #leadershipdevelopent #leadershipcoaching #executivecoaching #personaldevelopment #coaching...

We exist to Evolve
That’s it. We complicate things, but that’s, at the end of the day, all it matters. We exist to evolve. And when we don’t evolve, we get...

Avoiding the search for Purpose
Sometimes we do distract ourselves with pleasure or overindulgement. But we can also, very well, get distracted by creating drama and...

When we compromise our true selves in the name of safety
Allow me, a mother to a 5-year-old girl, to discuss the concept of "Authenticity vs Safety" using a children's example. The first time I...

Ignoring it won't make it disappear
We all get stuck in something. We may not look like the guy in the picture, but we all have some habits and beliefs that make us stuck in...

Self-Compassion vs Self-Esteem
I was watching the TedX Talk of Dr Emma Woodward when this...

Afraid of our dark side
Several months ago, a company approached me to assist them in promoting "positive awareness" among their staff. We could define awareness...

No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano
In Spanish, there are these sayings we call “REFRANES”. I believe that just by using these “refranes”, you can have entire conversations....

Reflection. I love this word. “The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it” or a “serious...
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