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The importance of play
In our professional lives, we often focus on formal discussions and meetings to understand our colleagues and partners. But let's not...

It’s the environment, stupid
Bruce H Lipton was already saying it in his book “The Biology of Belief”, in that chapter called: “It’s the environment, stupid” If we do...

Let's learn to say NO
Learn to say NO, so we don't waste each other's time and energy. Learn to say NO, because it's fair for both of us. Learn to say NO,...

Learning to be present
That is the power of healing trauma. The “beauty” of trauma is that we don’t need to revisit the past events; we don’t need to talk about...

The Pygmalion Effect
Pygmalion was a king who sculpted a woman so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion got very fonded of his sculpture and eventually...

What if
There is not much to add here #leadershipdevelopent #leadershipcoaching #executivecoaching #personaldevelopment #coaching...

We exist to Evolve
That’s it. We complicate things, but that’s, at the end of the day, all it matters. We exist to evolve. And when we don’t evolve, we get...

Masculine and Feminine energy
We all possess both masculine and feminine energies, though they may manifest at different frequencies. Personally, masculine energy was...

To the power of team-play!
A few weeks back, I was talking to the Manager of a well-known organization, as he explained that one of their biggest challenges is to...

When we compromise our true selves in the name of safety
Allow me, a mother to a 5-year-old girl, to discuss the concept of "Authenticity vs Safety" using a children's example. The first time I...
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