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  • The importance of play

    In our professional lives, we often focus on formal discussions and meetings to understand our colleagues and partners. But let's not underestimate the power of play and casual interactions. As Plato suggests, play reveals aspects of a person's character that may may otherwise go unnoticed. It uncovers their creativity, adaptability, and how they handle challenges. It's an unfiltered glimpse into our authentic self. #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipCoaching #Coaching #ProfessionalInsights #AuthenticConnections #PlatoWisdom #TeamBuilding

  • It’s the environment, stupid

    Bruce H Lipton was already saying it in his book “The Biology of Belief”, in that chapter called: “It’s the environment, stupid” If we do not flourish, it may be our physical or emotional environment that we need to change. Just like this plant in a pot, if we neglect these changes, not only might we fail to flourish, but we could also become unwell. #bruclipton #biologyofbelief #environment #personalgrowth #leadershipdevelopment #coaching @brucelipton

  • Let's learn to say NO

    Learn to say NO, so we don't waste each other's time and energy. Learn to say NO, because it's fair for both of us. Learn to say NO, because if we're both mature, we won't take it personally. If I take it personally, it's not your fault. I may need to go through a process to understand that a NO isn't necessarily negative. Learn to say NO, because once we know it's a NO, we can focus on other things that may lead to many YESes. Learn to say NO, because even though you have power, you can't break me down. Took me long to learn this, and I’m still on the journey, but totally worth the awkwardness for the incredible sense of empowerment it brings. #PersonalEmpowerment #EmbraceNo #PositiveBoundaries #SelfWorth #EmpoweredChoices #GrowthMindset #RespectfulDecline #HealthyRelationships #LeadershipCoaching #Coaching

  • Can't win without the right mindset

    I love that this quote emphasizes that while physical readiness is essential, it is ultimately the power of the mind that determines victory. I’d like to challenge this, though. In my opinion, in sports, business and life, apart from a combination of a strong mindset and physical readiness, we also need emotional resilience to lead us to success. Emotions are experienced through our bodies, and how we navigate and regulate our emotions can significantly impact our chances of triumph. #SportsMindset #EmotionalWellbeing #SuccessInSports #WinningMindset #PeakPerformance #SportsPerformance #MindsetCoaching

  • Learning to be present

    That is the power of healing trauma. The “beauty” of trauma is that we don’t need to revisit the past events; we don’t need to talk about the traumatic experience itself. We can heal through our body, through the soma, and once we start healing, we will not be frozen in the past but living in the present. #HealingTrauma #TraumaRecovery #Trauma #BodyHealing #SomaticExperience #LivingInThePresent #EmbraceTheNow #EmotionalWellbeing #Coaching #TraumaHealing

  • Adult Development

    When I got to know about Adult Development, and particularly the Adult development phases by Robert Keagan, a whole new world opened to me When I discovered the concept of Adult Development, and specifically the Adult Development Phases by Robert Kegan, a whole new world of understanding opened up before me. It was like peering through a magnifying glass into human growth and potential. Through Keagan’s work, I could finally understand that human development, is not a linear process but a series of transformative shifts. This resonated deeply with me and my own experience in this journey of being human. I could finally understand that big shift in me when I started feeling that my behaviours and thinking were not serving me anymore. All those ideas, and beliefs that were bringing some behaviours, were now limiting me, and there was no other way but to go with the flow. And I started doing things, things I used to do before, from another place. Fear was not there anymore. I was doing mainly the same thing from a place in me that was much more resourceful and creative. “personal Copernican shift”. I also understood that no matter how high you get in these phases (which I personally have no idea), you may get into a rabbit hole and bring you to the egocentric phase. But then, it becomes so much easier to get back again. Incorporating the principles of Adult Development into my own life and coaching practice has been immensely rewarding. It has enabled me to support others on their journeys of self-discovery, providing a framework to navigate their own phases of growth and development. It allowed me to have more compassion and empathy for the diverse perspectives and struggles that people encounter along their own paths #AdultDevelopment #RobertKegan #PersonalGrowth #LeadershipDevelopmetn #LeadershipCircleProfile #LeadershipCoaching #TransformationalJourney #SelfDiscovery #EvolutionOfConsciousness #EmbracingChange #Empathy #CoachingJourney

  • Training people to stay

    If your company fears that people will leave when you invest in them, it's the culture that you need to fix. #LeadershipDevelopment #CompanyCulture #InvestInYourPeople #EmployeeRetention #EmployeeDevelopment #Leadership #WorkplaceCulture #RichardBrandson #Virgin #QOTD

  • The reasons why I shifted to Coaching

    4 years ago today, I chose to walk away from my well-paid job and its exciting perks. I was a mom of a 1,5 year-old and I had spent a weekend consumed by work, leaving my child in the care of our caretaker for most of the time. “NO. NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOOOO!!!! That's not how I want to raise my child”. And so, the following week, I took a leap of faith and resigned. Becoming a mother had shifted my priorities in profound ways. I always recall telling my husband: “If I was saving lives in a hospital in a warzone, I would go to work with unwavering conviction. But I’m in digital product management. I’m solving problems for the most privileged ones. My daughter needs me much more.” At that moment, I thought of a friend I had in Barcelona, who had undergone an incredible transformation through coaching. That same week I quit, I called a friend in Dubai to seek guidance and request an intro to a coach he knew. Within three days of quitting, I enrolled in a co-active coaching course. During the last 4 years, I haven’t made the money I once did in a single year. Do I care? NO. Wealth, to me, is like Health. They are pretty stable, but they fluctuate. They don’t follow a straight line, although we think they should. At times we have more, at times, we have less. During the last 4 years, I haven't saved much money. What I have saved are beautiful memories of my children that will always be with me. I have put all my effort into trying to raise them emotionally resilient to face the times they will face. I have spent invaluable time with them, and I have started a new career and lifestyle profoundly aligned with who I am. Thank you, Claudius, for all your support. #LifeChangingDecision #PrioritiesShift #WorkLifeBalance #MotherhoodJourney #NewCareerPath #ValueOverWealth #CoachingJourney #Co-Active #LeaderhipCoaching #LeadershipDevelopment

  • What Cycling can teach us about leadership

    Imagine going down a hill at speeds of 100km/h, protected by nothing more than a layer of lycra. Last summer, I was in Cauterets, in the French Pyrenees, to witness the 6th stage of the well-known Tour de France. The atmosphere was simply electric, filled with a mix of tension, excitement, and celebration. I was eager for my husband and children to experience this unique event firsthand. Not only is the atmosphere unique, but the sport of cycling itself, along with the athletes who practice it, is truly exceptional. Cycling is rough, is tough, is excruciating. Enduring the challenges of cycling requires an indomitable mindset as the ability to overcome physical pain, mental fatigue, and emotional strain is a given in this sport. The focus and concentration needed during high-speed descents are unimaginable. The slightest misstep and you are in bloodshed and broken bones. Yet, these athletes get back on their bikes and push through to the finish line. Cyclists also need much focus for tactical moments in a race and be able to make split-second decisions. Imagine climbing the Tourmalet and one rider attacks. You have a fraction of a second to follow that rider, or you may have just missed your opportunity. Contrary to people’s belief, cycling is a team sport. The team's primary goal is to support their leader and bring him as close to the finish line as possible while conserving his energy for the win. Often, these leaders have to collaborate with members of other teams to drop other cyclists and make space for their victory. So, yes, cycling is synonym for collaboration, pressure, team effort, tension, fear, individual effort, mental toughness, humility, so much risk, excitement, tears, festivity, pride, sacrifice, humbleness… and so many emotions. As a Basque, cycling is very close to my heart. And this year, watching this Tour de France pass through my hometown and see them cycle the same hills I used to, my heart swelled with an overwhelming mix of nostalgia, pride, and pure joy. #TourDeFrance #Cycling #Cauterets #Pyrenees #OngiEtourri #GrandDepartPaysBasque #BikeCountry #BasqueCountry #TourDeFrance2023 #MareaNaranja

  • Masculine and Feminine Energy

    We all possess both masculine and feminine energies, though they may manifest at different frequencies. Personally, masculine energy was much easier to access for me during my first 35 years of life. I did plenty of exercise to channel and release it, as sports gave me the playground to let this energy flow freely. Sometimes criticised and singled out for “being so masculine”, I often thought I needed to tone it down and compensate for it by embracing my intuition and authenticity. That was before having my children. Motherhood took me to a whole new level of experiencing my feminine energy and also my masculine. I finally realized it wasn't about diminishing my masculine side, but rather empowering my feminine. Now, I can access it from a powerful place filled with love, boundaries, self-assurance, and compassion. Maintaining this delicate balance isn't easy, but it's really worth the effort. Thanks to Dana and Katie for bringing this topic up and holding the space for self-reflection.

  • The Pygmalion Effect

    Pygmalion was a king who sculpted a woman so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion got very fonded of his sculpture and eventually made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite, wishing for a bride who would be the living likeness of his ivory girl. When he returned home and kissed the statue, he was surprised to find its lips warm. He kissed it again and realized that the ivory had lost its hardness, and the sculpture turned into a real woman named Galatea. This story gave rise to the concept of the "Pygmalion Effect". Psychologists Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson conducted an experiment that demonstrated that if teachers were led to expect better performance from their students, the students actually performed better. Similarly, if teachers expected lower performance, the students' performance declined. According to the Pygmalion effect, when individuals are labelled positively, they internalize those labels and tend to succeed. On the other hand, individuals with negative labels tend to perform poorly; both effects leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. Rosenthal predicted that elementary school teachers may unknowingly have behaved in ways that supported and encouraged their students' success. So, as managers, parents, and teachers, how can we help facilitate their success? How can we help emerge the potential of the people around us? #PygmalionEffect #Leadership #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #ExecutiveCoaching #ExpectationsMatter #SelfFulfillingProphecy

  • What if

    There is not much to add here #leadershipdevelopent #leadershipcoaching #executivecoaching #personaldevelopment #coaching #pèopledevelopment #learniganddevelopment

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